Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obligitory Olympia beauty shots.

Olympia is an anomaly. Its a small town, a tenth of the size of Wellington. About the same size as Blenheim. How is it that everyone here is young, beautiful and in a band? Not only are they Creative and artistic but they actually USE their talents.

There are so many awesome community projects being run here that have been going for years, all through volunteer work.

This is a place called Community Print. They have a letter press and screen printing facilities. You can become a member or do one off projects for outrageously cheap. They teach you how to do and use everything and have all the materials you need.
Its tucked away in the back room of a vintage/record store called Dumpster Values. Which is also amazing and cheap.

This is another community workshop which is open for the few moths leading up to Olympia's big arts festival. Its a massive space open to any one who wants to make costumes, banners and floats to participle in the 'Procession of the Species' parade. Where everyone dresses as animals. They also have a tonne of materials for people to use.

It's cold and it Hails a lot. Sometimes it snows.
Its also ridiculously cheap to live here. I'm paying $120 (NZD) in rent.... PER MONTH. And its not a shit hole.
A day pass for the bus is $1.50.
I like Olympia quite a bit.

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