Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Animals, Magic, Kyle XY and Vancouver!

16th-20th May

I went to Canada for the weekend!
After a whole lot of stupid questions at the border.

We went to the aquarium....

Tree Frog.... eh?!?

These are the famous holding hands otters. Made famous by Youtube.
They're also the entire reason I went to the aquarium in the first place.

This is a Sloth.

Outside the Aquarium there were some Squirrels. I didn't even know they came in Black!..

We also found this little demon chipmunk hiding out in the swamp...

Then we went to see some bands...

Hot Panda + Some other bands I thought were really crap.
Friday 16th May
Railway Club - Vancouver

Me and Sally decided to go investigate some lights on our drunken walk home. We found a film set and proceeded to walk through security like we were meant to be there. We got on set before anyone stopped us and she was actually really nice and we talked to her for an hour.
Turns out they were filming Kyle XY. I love that show! In a its so bad its good kinda way. I was stoked.
Look out for a waterside fairground in series 3. I was there! THAT MEANS I'M FAMOUS!

Sally and I got really wasted and thought we were standing in line to see The Clinics. Turns out the show was over and the venue turns into a nightclub afterwards. We had a great conversation with some hip-hop dudes about the ghettos and then harassed some of The Clinics outside the tour bus.
Then we met some crazy lady who was also harassing them and she got us into another show for free.
Then Sally jumped over the bar and squirted me with the soda gun.
Then we got kicked out.

But it's a good thing we did because we got to see this guy with his sweet space table.

Sunday and Monday
Watched a whooooole lot of Canadian Cable TV.

Tuesday - Spent the day jumping on and off Ferries and trains. The great thing about Vancouver is you can sneak on public transit really easily and ride for free. It's the same deal in Portland using the Maxx train.

I liked Vancouver heaps. For some reason it reminded me of what I think Spain would be like. Strange. Probably because it was FREAKIN' hot and there were heaps of tourists with no shits on riding bikes.

Was pretty excited to see the bunnies I found in Seattle had come as far as Vancouver.

On the way home on the Grey hound my bus driver talked like this.....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Snow time.

May 8th - 12th

So basically, I meet some really neat people. We went and played in the snow and then went to Portland and I had the best time I've had since being in the states.

Thursday 8th May
Church + The Ocean Floor + The Vibarians + Jenny Jenkins
Le Voyer, Olympia.

This is Church....

They're really fantastic.

Friday night - house party at 'The House of the Rising Sun' . Featuring a whole lot of singing around a campfire by a lot of talented people. Even some group chanting .

Look! Romona Cordova was there. eeee!

Church played in the Garage. Then 4 cop cars turned up to complain about the noise coming from a stripped back semi acoustic set. Fucks sake.

This is where I met my new friends, 'The Ocean Floor' and 'Church', 4 lovely boys from Portland. I needed to get to Portland to try make some money at a craft market over there and they offered to give me a ride.... and to host me for the weekend. A very nice drunken offer that they probably didn't expect me to take them up on.

BUT I DID. ha!

Some of us went to Mt Saint Helens, thinking we might be able to go have a swim or something.....

Instead we decided to walk 2 miles in the snow with inappropriate footwear and no torch to explore Ape Cave. We figured the whiskey would keep us warm.

Writing you band name with pee is apparently harder than you think.


We decided it would be a really great idea to venture into the depths of the cave full of whiskey and with out a torch. It was, and there were bats!

Then we continued on to Portland and saw a whole lot of Elk.

Then my camera died.

So just quickly:
Went to town wearing plastic bags round my feet because my shoes were still wet from the snow adventure. Hot look. Comfortable to.
Me and Lane (Ocean Floor) came across a marching band in the middle of the street and followed them into a bar and Danced our asses off. Then we went to a strip club. We missed the last bus so walked home for 2 hours.
Then I slept for 2 hours (2 hours of sleep the night before also)
Got up and was told "you look like you is lit!" while waiting for the bus.
Walked around for 2 hours (still drunk) looking for the venue the craft market was in.
Made a whole $2 at the craft market.
Met some of Lanes awesome friends that thought New Zealand accent were the coolest ever since seeing 'Eagle v's Shark'.
Went to see Church play yet again at a place called Valentines. SUCH a cute venue.
Lots of hanging out and playing drums.
Got a ride share home.


2nd-3rd May

I went to Seattle and Portland in 2 days. weeeee!

Ben Kamen + Britain Ashford + Viking Moses + Golden Ghost
Friday 2nd May
The Deerbourne House - Seattle

Saturday we went to Portland where Polka Dot Dot Dot were recording a 7'' at a place called the trash factory.